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Uitgegeven in 1949

L.C. van Tuijl

Stratumsedijk 97 Eindhoven verstrekt 1949

Door bezoekers

Molly zei op 21 juni, 2023 - 17:09

Is the registrant of this vehicle - LCJ Van Tuyl (born 1906). My great uncle (101st Airborne) met him during Operation Market Garden and we are trying to find his descendants to hear any stories of liberation. Please contact if this is your grandfather, Leonardus Cornelius J van Tuyl of the Boschdijk.

BHIC Paul Huismans zei op 26 juni, 2023 - 14:14

@ Molly. Frankly, we don't know. But hopefully some future respondent does. In the meantime you might consider posing this questions on the Forum of our main website bhic.nl (click the button "Start een nieuw onderwerp").

I hope your quest will be successful.


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